Università di Catania
Dipartimento Scienze biologiche, geologiche e ambientali - Sezione Biologia animale
Ministry for Agricolture, Fisheries, Food and Animal Right
Plant Heath Directorate
University of Malta
Institute of Earth Systems - Division of Rural Sciences and Food System
Città Metropolitana di Catania
2° dipartimento - 4° Servizio P. O. 14 “Gestione Riserve Naturali”
Libero Consorzio di Ragusa
Settore V Pianificazione Territoriale e Sviluppo Locale - U.O. Riserve Naturali
Università di Catania / University of Catania
The University of Catania (UNICT) is a public institution founded in 1434, consisting of 17 Departments, 28 research centers, school of excellence and accounting for more than 42.000 students. The university provides 182 multidisciplinary courses that cater to graduate, masters, postgraduate and Ph.D students, assuring high quality in offers and services.
The University of Catania has been involved in recent years, as leader or as partner, in numerous research projects funded by the EU including ordinary and strategic programs INTERREG EU-MED-ITALIA MALTA 2007-2013 and 2014-2020, as well as Horizon 2020 projects and more than 40 Framework programs.
Within UNICT, the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences (Italian acronym DSBGA), established in January 2011 following the fusion of different structures, includes three sections: Earth Sciences, Plant Biology, Animal Biology with more than 50 researchers involved in Academic Didactics, Scientific Research and Environmental Education activities, together with administrative personnel and technicians.
The DSBGA has developed a solid scientific background in monitoring, census and evaluation of the health status of Sicilian ecosystems and has coordinated and directed study groups that have identified and elaborated the management plans of numerous sites of the Natura 2000 network in eastern Sicily.
Depth analysis were carried out in the areas covered by this project. They concerned botanical and faunal aspects from different point of view: taxonomic, systematic, phytosociological, ecological, behavioral and ecotoxicological one. All these activities are supported by several laboratories (floristic, faunal, molecular, etc.), and also by the Zoological Museum, the Botanical Garden, the Herbarium, and the Seed Bank, all included in the Museum network system of UNICT (SiMuA).
DSBGA has gained important experience in the identification of both plant and animal alien species and in the conservation of nature, with particular reference to the sites of the Natura 2000 network. Numerous studies have been conducted on alien plant species and various methods related to their containment or eradication have been tested.
With regard to wildlife surveys, numerous researches were conducted by specialists from various groups of arthropods which allowed to reported a large number of alien species new to the Sicilian fauna. Studies on the invasive species of Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, and Auchenorrhyncha allowed to identify their impact on the biodiversity and the development of intervention methods for the containment of their populations.
The study of alien t pathogens of plant will be conducted by the Plant Pathology section of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A), which has been carrying out research on plant pathogens and alien pathogens for years in collaboration with the Regional Phytosanitary Service (SFR).
The laboratories of the DSBGA and the DIA3 are equipped with almost all the equipment useful for the detection and even molecular characterization of alien species (flora, invertebrates and plant pathogens).
The knowledge acquired in recent years has resulted in numerous scientific publications in international journals and communications at international and national congresses, the elaboration of doctoral theses and the creation of a database including unpublished data, which will be very useful as a baseline for the project.
To achieve the objectives of the FAST project, the University of Catania and the DSBGA and DiA3 will make available teaching staff with experience in the thematic areas related to the project, and also technical-administrative staff, as well as all the structures, infrastructures and laboratories available to the Departments that are indispensable for conducting the investigations and activities envisaged in the project schedule.
The DSBGA has extensive experience in the participation and management of European projects, including on territorial cooperation programs, as well as on various international funding.
The depth knowledge of the issues related to the protection and management of Natura 2000 sites and their criticalities, including those of the impacts related to the presence of invasive alien species, the having already proposed in the Managements Plan actions of contrast, eradication or containment of the IAS, the availability of a still unpublished database on Sicilian alien species and having already started eco-ethological studies on some of them, makes the participation of the leader in the project extremely advantageous for his consolidated experience both in the field of Sicilian sites of the Natura 2000 Network and in the study of alien species.
The role of the University of Catania will consist in coordinating and implementing WP1, WP2 and WP4 and monitoring the eradication and renaturation activities in Sicily.
Furthermore, the DSBGA will support the authorization requests for the realization of interventions within the Natura 2000 sites.
The DSBGA will also take care of the elaboration of the database of Sicilian alien species and the drafting of the relative cards.
The training and involvement activities aimed at citizens and the training of operators will also be organized and coordinated by the DSBGA.
Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food and Animal Rights - Plant Health Directorate (PPD)
The Plant Protection Directorate (PPD) is the National Plant Protection Organisation for Malta. The Directorate is responsible for all plant health aspects of plants, seeds, plant produce and other propagation material that is produced locally, traded from EU Member States, imported or exported to or from Malta. The directorate is made up of a team of highly skilled public officers who are knowledgeable and passionate about protecting plant genetic resources against persistent and emerging threats of biotic and abiotic nature. The PPD works hand in hand with various entities to safeguard plants and their genetic diversity. The directorate is made up of Monitoring and Control, Laboratory Services, Business Administration, Conservation of Genetic Resources and Policy and Planning.
The Monitoring and Control unit keeps control of the import and export of plants and other plant material at the points of entry into the Maltese Islands, with the aim to prevent the introduction and spread of pests and diseases that affect the quality of plants. The control of pests and diseases is also done on local cultivation. Inspections are carried out at local nurseries and retail outlets to check for the possible presence of harmful organisms and to see that these commercial outlets are in fact complying with national and EU legislation.
The PPD a Project Partner (PP2) in the FAST project, within the Ministry for Agriculture, Fisheries, Food, and Animal Rights (MAFA), will work hand in hand with the University of Malta (as another project partner). The interventions will be in collaboration with ERA and Ambjent Malta, all under the supervision of the University of Catania as the project leader.
The intervention of the PPD will be on three selected Natura 2000 sites, as these are the most fragile habitats in need of safeguarding. The three Natura 2000 sites chosen for this project around the Maltese islands are:
- The areas of Buskett and Girgenti
- Il-Magħluq ta' Marsaskala
- The areas of Xlendi and Kantra Valley in the island of Gozo
The role of the PPD within MAFA, in the FAST project will aim to counteract the introduction, naturalization and spread of alien invasive species that damage biodiversity in the Maltese archipelago by means of:
- Targeting and evaluating Invasive Alien Species in Natura 2000 sites,
- Controlling, Monitoring and possible Eradication of Invasive Alien Species
- Propagating native plants, that will later be introduced in the Natura 2000 sites
- Compiling guidelines and best practices to prevent the introduction of other Invasive Alien Species
University of Malta - Institute of Earth Systems - Division of Rural Sciences and Food System (UM)
The University of Malta is the highest teaching institution in the state from which it is mainly funded. Over the last few years, the University has revised its structures in order to be in line with the most up-to-date European universities.
There are 14 faculties and various departments and institutes, with research conducted in a variety of areas, including the conservation of our local natural heritage, the methods of controlling invasive species, the monitoring and the reintroduction of endemic flora and fauna, and others. The complete list of topics is available at: http://www.um.edu.mt/about/um.
The University of Malta also supports a network of European and international university groups. There are more than 800 academics and several dozens of non-academic staff units.
The degree programs are designed to produce highly skilled, research-experienced professionals who will play key roles in industry, commerce, and public affairs.
The University of Malta is involved as coordinator and partner in numerous EU funded projects under various programs including FP5 / 6/7, Horizon 2020, Lifelong Learning Program, Culture 2000, Tempus, Erasmus +, INTERREG EU -MED-ITALY MALTA-ENPI CBC MED and various other international and national programs and initiatives. He participated in 15 projects under the previous Italy-Malta 2007-2013 operational program and was Lead Partner in 3 of these projects.
The Division for Rural Sciences and Food Technology participating in the project is made up of researchers from the Institute of Earth Systems (IES).
The research activity includes improved food technologies for olive oils and honey; use of plant extracts in industry; soil science; livestock; beekeeping and applied entomology.
David Mifsud, who is an associate professor at the institute, also worked as a national expert for DAISIE (provision of inventories of invasive alien species for Europe) under the EU's Sixth Framework Program.
The two laboratories belonging to the Division for Rural Sciences and Food Technology are equipped with instruments for the study of basic microbiology and entomological equipment, including thermocyclers, autoclaves, incubators, microscopes, HPLC, microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry and PCR
Currently the Division is involved in two COST programs (FA1307) entitled "Sustainable pollination in joint research in Europe on bees and other pollinators (Super-B)" and (FA1405) entitled "Using three-way interactions between plants, microbes and arthropods to improve crop protection and production ". It also participates in SMARTBEES (Sustainable management of resilient bee populations) EU PROJECT Project CE-FP7-KBBE 613960.
The role of the University of Malta in the FAST project will be to coordinate the activities envisaged in WP3 and will also take care of the monitoring of the project actions that will be implemented in Malta, as well as the creation of the IT platform for consultation and implementation of the alien species database. Furthermore, the University of Malta will take care of the renaturation activities foreseen in the Natura 2000 sites in Malta in WP4 and will actively participate in the dissemination activities of the information foreseen in WP2. Furthermore, the University of Malta will support requests for authorization from a technical-scientific point of view for the implementation of interventions within Maltese Natura 2000 sites.
Città Metropolitana di Catania - 2° dipartimento - 4° Servizio P. O. 14 “Gestione Riserve Naturali” (CMC)
The Città Metropolitana di Catania, responsible of the management of Oriented Nature Reserves and SAC "Oasi del Simeto" and "Fiume Fiumefreddo", has considerable experience in the protection and conservation of biodiversity, as well as in the field of communication and environmental education. On the scientific level, it makes use of a Provincial Scientific Council of Reserves and Natural Heritage established pursuant to art. 37 of L. R. 14/88.
Several conservation interventions have been carried out, including the project of the reintroduction of the Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio) in Sicily, which saw the Simeto Oasis reserve as the main site for acclimatization, reproduction and subsequent diffusion in further habitat regional areas.
Furthermore, investigations with the IBE method (Extended Biotic Index) on the Fiumefreddo river carried out with staff from the Management Authorities and ARPA of Sicily in the years 2004-2006 have shown the presence in the water of an alien mollusk: Potamopyrgus antipodarum.
The two nature reserves have been the object and partner in various internships, training and graduation thesis activities, as well as the subject of various scientific research projects.
More information on the reserves managed by the consortium can be found at this link.
Several informative and promotional products have been created, including:
DVD: “Water, earth and fire-travel in the land of myth”;
“Sultan chicken - a rediscovered masterpiece”;
“The seaside villages of lava”.
Books: “Oriented Nature Reserve – Oasi del Simeto”;
“Oriented Nature Reserve – Fiume Fiumefreddo”;
"Guide to the nature of the Province of Catania".
In the field of dissemination and promotion, considerable experience has also been gained not only with the guided tour service, but also through the involvement of school groups, of all levels, in environmental education projects and activities.
Among the many initiatives undertaken in recent years, those considered most significant for the purposes of the experience gained on the issues of the FAST project are listed below:
Territorial Cooperation:
SIOLATINO project (Interreg MEDOCC)
DEDEL SDEC Project (Interreg III C Sud)
MACIMED project (Interreg Archimed)
FIMIP Project (Interact) FRONTIERS project (Interact)
Other transnational projects:
SAPUCCA Project (Security and Safeguarding of Freedom - DG Home Affairs)
PO FESR - Sicily:
- Seaside villages of lava;
- Marketing and territorial partnerships;
- Acquisition of areas of greater environmental value present in the natural reserve "Oasi del Simeto";
- Restructuring of Masseria Torreallegra into a multifunctional center of the natural reserve “Oasi del Simeto”;
Various projects on the Axis 6 OP ERDF 2007-2013 relating to cultural heritage, technological innovation; social policies and internationalization of SMEs.
The Città Metropolitana di Catania, responsible of the management of Oriented Nature Reserves and SAC "Oasi del Simeto" and "Fiume Fiumefreddo", has considerable experience in the protection and conservation of biodiversity, as well as in the field of communication and environmental education. On the scientific level, it makes use of a Provincial Scientific Council of Reserves and Natural Heritage established pursuant to art. 37 of L. R. 14/88.
Several conservation interventions have been carried out, including the project of the reintroduction of the Purple Swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio) in Sicily, which saw the Simeto Oasis reserve as the main site for acclimatization, reproduction and subsequent diffusion in further habitat regional areas.
Furthermore, investigations with the IBE method (Extended Biotic Index) on the Fiumefreddo river carried out with staff from the Management Authorities and ARPA of Sicily in the years 2004-2006 have shown the presence in the water of an alien mollusk: Potamopyrgus antipodarum.
The two nature reserves have been the object and partner in various internships, training and graduation thesis activities, as well as the subject of various scientific research projects.
More information on the reserves managed by the consortium can be found at this link.
Several informative and promotional products have been created, including:
DVD: “Water, earth and fire-travel in the land of myth”;
“Sultan chicken - a rediscovered masterpiece”;
“The seaside villages of lava”.
Books: “Oriented Nature Reserve – Oasi del Simeto”;
“Oriented Nature Reserve – Fiume Fiumefreddo”;
"Guide to the nature of the Province of Catania".
In the field of dissemination and promotion, considerable experience has also been gained not only with the guided tour service, but also through the involvement of school groups, of all levels, in environmental education projects and activities.
Among the many initiatives undertaken in recent years, those considered most significant for the purposes of the experience gained on the issues of the FAST project are listed below:
Territorial Cooperation:
SIOLATINO project (Interreg MEDOCC)
DEDEL SDEC Project (Interreg III C Sud)
MACIMED project (Interreg Archimed)
FIMIP Project (Interact) FRONTIERS project (Interact)
Other transnational projects:
SAPUCCA Project (Security and Safeguarding of Freedom - DG Home Affairs)
PO FESR - Sicily:
- Seaside villages of lava;
- Marketing and territorial partnerships;
- Acquisition of areas of greater environmental value present in the natural reserve "Oasi del Simeto";
- Restructuring of Masseria Torreallegra into a multifunctional center of the natural reserve “Oasi del Simeto”;
Various projects on the Axis 6 OP ERDF 2007-2013 relating to cultural heritage, technological innovation; social policies and internationalization of SMEs.
Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa - Settore V Pianificazione Territoriale e Sviluppo Locale - U.O. Riserve Naturali
The Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa is the Managing Authority of two regional nature reserves: 1) Oriented Nature Reserve "Pino d’Aleppo" 2) Special Biological Nature Reserve "Macchia Foresta del Fiume Irminio".
The territory of the two protected areas is also part of the Natura 2000 network sites as it coincides almost entirely, respectively, with the SAC ITA080003 “Vallata del Fiume Ippari” and SAC ITA080001 “Foce del Fiume Irminio”.
The Managing Authority deals with the protection of the natural environment and promotes scientific research and initiatives aimed at spreading knowledge of the natural assets of the reserve.
- It makes use of the Provincial Scientific Council established pursuant to the L.R. 14/88.
- It has developed various information and promotional products on the protected areas of the province.
- It has developed the management plans called "Residui dunali della Sicilia orientale" and "Vallata del fiume Ippari”, relating to various sites of the Natura 2000 network.
As part of the project, actions will be carried out aimed at safeguarding biodiversity within the two protected areas in order to restore the habitats present with the eradication and / or containment of the identified invasive alien species, actions already foreseen in the aforementioned MP.
The Libero Consorzio Comunale di Ragusa has participated in the following international projects:
- “Aristoil” (partner) Axis 1 project - Specific objective 1.1., under the Interreg Med 2014-2020 Transnational Cooperation Program
- “Ener Mob” (Lead partner +4) INTERREG ADRION 2014-2020 Axis 3 - Connected Region (Linked Region) Specific objective 3.1. - Improving the capacity of integrated transport and mobility services, as well as multimodality in the Ionian-Adriatic area”.
- INTERREG MED Axis 2 - Promote low carbon and energy efficiency strategies in specific MED territories: cities, islands and rural areas.
- INTERREG ADRION 2014-2020 Axis 3 - Connected Region (Linked Region) Specific objective 3.1.
- EU co-financed projects POR 2000-2006 OP ERDF 2007-2013: axis 3 ob. 3.2.1., enhancement of cultural identities and landscape-environmental resources for attractiveness and development.
The Participation in the project in the role of Managing Authority of two nature reserves which are also Natura 2000 sites, will allow the partner to:
- preserve, protect and improve biodiversity, ecosystems and natural and semi-natural habitats, animal and plant species, the biotopes of the “Macchia Foresta del fiume Irminio” and “Pineta di Vittoria” nature reserves;
- guarantee, promote and encourage scientific research activities, including cross-border, for the dissemination of knowledge, education and training on the values connected to the heritage of the two protected natural areas;
- to promote, guarantee and incentivize eco-compatible and eco-sustainable development initiatives in the territory, favoring traditional work activities aimed at naturalistic recovery and maintenance and the mitigation of environmental impacts, experimenting with correct management models of flora and fauna for a balanced relationship between the territory and resident populations with greater protection of common goods;